
Analysis and Strategy

Amazon offers vast business opportunities, but it is a very competitive environment. To achieve a high ranking and positive results, a company needs an analytical approach and a detailed strategy.

Amazon is the number one search engine in the world for product searches and the place where more than 50% of users start buying online. As with Google, it is essential to know both the logic underlying its operations and users’ habits.
Buying processes, keywords, best practices, attention to images, and many other elements are the factors that determine the success of a seller on the platform. Here’s how we organize their management on corporate accounts.

Market Analysis
& Strategy Consulting

  • Keyword opportunity analysis with traffic and turnover forecasts
  • SEO analysis of keywords to improve organic visibility (impressions)
  • Analysis of global stores with the greatest potential and definition of KPIs
  • Analysis of category bestsellers
  • Costs and margins analysis according to fulfilment method chosen: FBA, FBM, AMZ
  • Analysis of the strategic landscape
  • Quantitative and qualitative (semantic) analysis of reviews
  • Identification of the marketplaces and products with the greatest potential
  • Development of ROI maximization strategies for existing listings
  • Development of launch strategies for new products
  • Development of business plans and execution plans


We help companies maximise their CTR, conversions, user trust and other factors that improve their ranking on Amazon and the chances to win the Buy Box, in both the Italian and the international Marketplaces. The Buy Box is the white box that appears next to the product details and is the point of passage for 82% of transactions on Amazon. Each time a product listing is displayed, Amazon’s algorithm chooses a seller who offers that specific ASIN and shows it, attributing any purchase to it. The competition is not just about price but involves the sellers’ reliability. Thus, we take care of all the aspects contributing to the sale. The key to a seller’s success on Amazon is the combination of visibility and reputation. Here’s how we organize all the aspects that enhance these two assets.


  • Analysis of existing product catalogue
  • Creation of graphic templates
  • Creation and editing of photos/videos
  • Creation of product listings
  • Creation of Store Fronts
  • Creation of A+ content (enhanced brand content)

Amazon Advertising Management

  • Analysis of competitive advertising scenario
  • Definition of advertising budget and bidding strategy
  • Creation of Sponsored Product, Brand and Display campaigns
  • Creation of off-platform advertising campaigns (outside Amazon)
  • Campaign management and optimisation

& Reporting

  • Analysis of results and KPI monitoring
  • Analysis of RoAS, ACoS, ROI and break-even point
  • Performance monitoring and reporting: Vendor Analytics, Seller Central, Advertising Analytics
  • Creation of reports with personalised dashboards updated in real time


  • Management of questions/answers on product listings
  • Management of private messages

  • Reviews collection strategy


Brand Protection

Many businesses are not present on Amazon, but their products are sold on the platform by retailers acting as Sellers.

This poses a potential risk for their brand reputation, as many factors are out of the brand’s control and could easily be overlooked. For instance:

  • Incomplete product listings with just a few low-definition images and/or inadequate descriptions with the wrong tone of voice
  • Incomplete or incorrect information
  • FAQs without answers
  • Lack of A+ content or the Store Front

This can be extremely damaging for a business’ reputation, as Amazon users tend to attribute these shortcomings to the brand.

To prevent this from happening, manufacturers can register their brand on Amazon. This gives them authority over their product listings, ensuring they are complete and correct and put their brand in a positive light, and all Sellers/Vendors must use them.

Companies must therefore put the correct brand protection measures in place to safeguard the image of their products, irrespective of who sells them.

Brand Protection

  • Brand registration on Amazon (Brand Registry)
  • Analysis of brand’s products already listed on the Marketplace
  • Analysis of price, margin and type of logistics method used by retailers
  • Violations management
  • Monitoring of price changes through specific software

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to assess your products’ sales potential on Amazon